Allan Cassell

Virtual Business Card, Shuffle

This is a sample "Virtual Business Card," an example of what yours could look like. Watch the videos below to learn more. Leave your information at the bottom and I will be in touch. Or just tap the Learn More button to sign up for your own account.

Why a Virtual Business Card is better than a physical card

1. NEVER RUN OUT Avoid the embarrassment that comes from checking your pockets and purse and finding you have no cards left. (Not to mention handing your prospect a tattered card.) Send unlimited cards for a small, monthly fee.
2. MULTIPLE CARDS Do you have multiple niches in your business? Or more than one business? You can have a card for each — up to 10 or more — that you can send on-the-fly.
3.  IMMEDIATE UPDATES Never mark up your cards or throw them away because your info changes. Update your card from your phone and notify your contacts when your card changes.
4. REAL LINKS Add multiple website links and videos to your card. The recipient can tap and view them right now, not when they type them into a browser.
5. INTRODUCTIONS Create up to 10 customized intros to send in a text or email with your card. Save time and use the right intro for the occasion.
6. REMINDERS Set  followup reminders so you never lose a prospect. Be reminded at a particular day and time or an interval after you send your card or after it is viewed.
7. NOTIFICATIONS Know exactly who views your card and when. Get individual notifications or a daily digest.
8. LEAD CAPTURE Optionally include a "give me more info" form when you share your card to a wide audience. Be notified when the form is filled out, too.
9. STATS AND ACTIVITY See who is engaging with your cards and how well they are performing over time. Even see which links and contact points are most popular.
10. EARN REWARDS Be compensated when you refer others to  Shuffle! Four ways to earn.

Shuffle Trailer (1:04)

Shuffle Overview (2:27)

Shuffle to Grow Your Business (1:43)